
Games - Bata puzzle

SKU: DJ05125
Brand: DJECO
Unit: tk
Qty: On order Item in stock in our partner warehouse. Delivery time varies between 8-12 working days.
9,90 €
Qty.: - +

Djeco games sharpen observational skills, make you think without realising, develop memory and stimulate conversation and lots of shared laughter! Complete your puzzle first to win this fast-paced game of war! A simple, engaging card game for young children, stored in a sturdy box with a sliding cover.

Each player chooses a type of puzzle to be completed and places it in front of him. The cards of the game represent pieces of the puzzles and are numbered 1-6. The players have to turn over a card at the same time, and the player with the highest number wins the hand. The player can then check to see if any of the cards are suitable for their own puzzle. First to complete their puzzle wins. Each puzzle has 6 cards to complete the image.

Includes 42 cards. This game is for 2 to 3 players, lasting about 10 minutes.

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